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NYC Perjury Criminal Lawyers

NYC Perjury Criminal Lawyers

Perjury is when someone lies under oath. When people are under oath, they are obligated to tell the full truth by law. If they fail to tell the truth, there are penalties that may be place against their behavior. It’s important to keep in mind that such penalties can vary according to specific circumstances. Perjury under federal law may be punished differently than perjury that takes place under local courts. It’s also important to keep in mind exactly what perjury is and what it is not. It is also important to keep in mind that perjury does not simply not telling the truth about some of their actions. For example, a person may not tell the exact truth about their weight right now. Shaving ten pounds off a person’s weight, if it is not relevant to the case they are speaking out, may not rise to the level of what is considered perjury by the court systems.

Types of Testimony

There are several types of testimony. Someone may come into court and speak to the officials of the court directly. This is known as oral testimony. Oral testimony is the action of orally saying something in person. Oral testimony can also be given via a recording. The person testifying may speak to the court even if they presently living in another location. A person can also make a statement in writing. For example, they may have filled out an income tax return form or a college application. These are written forms that require the person filling out the application to swear to the fact that all information they have provided on the form is completely accurate. These types of testimonies are considered just as much testimony as appearing in court and speaking about an event to a jury or a judge.

Affecting the Outcome

One of the defining factors of any perjury case is if the testimony had an effect on the outcome of the case. For example, a witness may not want his wife to know he’s cheating on his diet. In that case, he’ll tell the court that he had whole wheat cereal and low fat milk rather than the doughnut. If the rest of the case has nothing to do with this statement, the fact that he did not tell the literal truth about that particular day will probably not be considered a form of perjury by the courts. The person in that case is highly unlikely to face any form of changes related to his decision to lie about his breakfast. However, if the fact that he was at a doughnut shop rather than at home and saw the crime, this act is likely to be considered an act of perjury by the courts. Anyone who is going to testify under oath in some manner should keep in mind the kinds of distinctions that court officials are likely to make when it comes to their testimony. If there is a finding of perjury, keep in mind that the possible penalties will depend on variety of factors and that such factors may also depend on the scope of the case as well as the defendant’s other actions while they were under oath.

Official and Unofficial Proceedings

The type of penalties may also vary depending on if the perjury is done inside the court or under other circumstances. A person may be liable for perjury charges if they do not tell the truth when they are given what is known as a deposition. Even though the person is not in court, they are still expected to tell the entire truth. If someone is facing a problem of this kind, it’s best to have NYC perjury criminal lawyers at their side. The lawyers can help them determine the best defense for their actions. They can also explain what kind of penalties the courts may choose to impose after finding they are guilty of this charge. People who have effective legal counsel are likely to feel less anxious during these proceedings. They are are also more likely to be able to mount a defense for their actions that may result in a largely reduced or even a completely suspended sentence.

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