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Federal Crime
Defense Lawyer

Queens Federal Defense Lawyer

Providing Federal Criminal Defense Representation to Queens, NY

Serious Legal Solutions against Harsh Penalties

Different criminal offenses fall under different prosecutorial jurisdictions. While many criminal offenses in Queens, NY, fall under state-level jurisdiction, some crimes qualify for prosecution at the federal level. If you have been arrested on federal charges, you face much more severe penalties than you would for a state-level offense. It is essential to have reliable legal counsel in this situation, so you need a Queens federal crimes defense attorney you can trust to help you navigate this situation.

The Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, provide criminal defense representation to residents of Queens, NY, accused of violating federal laws. We understand how daunting it can be to face federal criminal charges of any kind. If you find yourself in this situation, you need a Queens federal crimes defense attorney with solid experience navigating federal criminal court.

Why Choose the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC?

Attorney Robert Tsigler and his team have a solid record of successful criminal defense representation, a reputation for providing responsive and compassionate defense counsel, and 24/7 availability for our clients’ needs. If you are charged with any federal offense, it is imperative to understand the value of hiring a Queens federal crimes defense lawyer to handle your defense representation.

Understanding Federal Criminal Cases

Most of the criminal cases prosecuted in Queens, NY, fall under the prosecutorial jurisdiction of the state of New York. However, if an individual violates federal law, a United States prosecuting attorney may file a complaint at the federal level that initiates a federal criminal case. When this occurs, a federal agency such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) will arrest the individual in question.

Once the appropriate agency completes the arrest, the suspect will remain in federal custody until a federal court judge sets a hearing date. This hearing will include a formal reading of charges against the defendant. In some cases, the judge may allow for the issuing of a bail bond that would release the defendant from federal custody until their first court date. If the offense is severe enough, bail may not be an option for the accused.

Federal criminal cases revolve around serious offenses, including:

If you or a loved one is arrested on federal criminal charges, it is vital to seek legal counsel from a Queens federal crimes defense attorney as soon as possible. Federal criminal charges are significantly more serious than state-level criminal charges and therefore carry more severe penalties. The potential penalties for conviction of a federal offense can include incarceration in a federal prison, heavy fines, and a loss of your other rights for a significant amount of time.
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What to Expect From Your Queens Federal Defense Lawyer

When you hire a Queens federal crimes defense lawyer to represent you in federal court, they will typically begin with a consultation and a review of the charges against you. It is natural for anyone in this position to be concerned about the worst possible outcomes their case may entail. Your attorney will be able to clearly outline the potential scenarios that may unfold in your case and what you can expect if convicted.

Once your attorney has completed this initial review, they can begin helping you form your defense. In most criminal cases, there are two main routes to defeating the defendant’s charges: attacking the prosecution’s case or establishing exculpatory evidence that proves the defendant is innocent of the charges in question. Depending on your circumstances, it may be possible for your Queens federal crimes defense lawyer to offer a bit of both on your behalf.

In the event you know you broke the law, and the prosecution has enough evidence to convict, your Queens federal crimes defense attorney can assist you with the plea bargaining process if you want to avoid the stress and expense of a protracted federal court case where the outcome is all but certain. Your attorney can potentially help you plead to reduced charges and secure a lighter sentence. If you believe you can fight the charges against you, your attorney will provide legal counsel through your federal court proceedings.

Remember that in any criminal case, the burden of proof rests on the prosecution. They must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to convict you, and your attorney’s job is to prevent this from happening by challenging the validity of their evidence and witness testimony. In some cases, your attorney may be able to cite violations of due process or your constitutional rights that can sway proceedings in your favor.

Find a Queens Federal Defense Attorney Now

Facing federal criminal charges of any kind is a serious matter. If convicted, you could face many years in prison, substantial fines, and other penalties. It is vital to start working on your defense as soon as possible after you have been arrested on federal charges. The Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, is ready and available to assist anyone in Queens, NY, in this position. If you are prepared to start building your defense in a federal criminal case, contact us today and schedule a case evaluation with a Queens federal crimes defense attorney.
We Set the Bar Others Strive to Reach
The Federal Crimes Defense Law firm of Robert Tsigler, PLLC is Ready to Fight for You!

Call the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC 24 hours a day, 7 days a week after a federal arrest. Call 718-878-3781 to schedule your consultation.

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