Sex Crime
Defense Lawyer
Offering Criminal Defense Attorney in Queens, NY, Sex Crime Cases

Why Should I Hire a Queens Sex Crime Lawyer?
When you work with the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, we will take time to thoroughly investigate the details of your case and break down the most likely outcomes of your situation. Once you understand how your case might unfold, we can begin working on your defense. Some sex crime charges result from wrongful accusations, while others may involve mistaken identity or the accused simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is also possible that you made a mistake or knowingly broke the law. No matter what your case entails, the team at the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, can provide the criminal defense representation you need to approach your case with greater confidence.
Possible Penalties for Sex Crime Conviction
- Indecent exposure. This involves the revealing of one’s genitals in a public space, either knowingly or unintentionally.
- Public lewdness, such as engaging in a sexual act in public.
- Sexual battery and rape. The penalties for this offense typically depend on the age of the victim and whether force was used.
- Sexual abuse of minors. Sex crimes involving children carry the most severe penalties for conviction.
- Possession or distribution of child pornography. Even unknowingly possessing child pornography of any kind can result in criminal prosecution.
These are just a few examples of criminal offenses that fall under the designation of sex crimes. The penalties for these offenses are typically quite severe and can include fines, jail time, and sex offender registration. The severity of the penalties escalates depending on the victim’s age, whether any violence occurred in the commission of the crime, and whether the crime resulted in permanent damages to the victim. For example, a conviction for indecent exposure will likely result in a much lighter sentence than a conviction for the sexual battery of a minor.
One common punishment for most sex crimes is sex offender registration. Anyone convicted of certain sex crimes must register as a sex offender in a publicly accessible database. Anyone can look through this database to see registered sex offenders living around them. If you are compelled to register as a sex offender, you may need to register for several years or for life, depending on the severity of your offense. Your status as a sex offender may make it impossible to work in certain jobs, find financial aid for school, or live in certain areas. Ultimately, your status as a registered sex offender can cause many personal and professional problems for years following your conviction.

Available Defenses in Sex Crime Cases
Facing criminal charges for sex-related offenses can feel like a hopeless situation. However, there may be mitigating factors in your case that will work in your favor. Unfortunately, many people face sex-related charges wrongfully due to false accusations. For example, if you engaged in consensual sexual activity and your partner later accuses you of rape, this can feel like a hopeless situation. However, the right Queens sex crimes defense lawyer can help you uncover exculpatory evidence and prove your innocence in this situation. It is also possible that you were misled, provided false information regarding the alleged victim’s age, or illegally entrapped in a criminal act by the police.
Whatever your case entails, it is vital to have legal counsel you can trust as your case unfolds. Your Queens sex crimes defense attorney will carefully review the charges against you and evaluate the prosecution’s evidence to determine our best available defenses. The burden of proof in any criminal case rests on the prosecution, so they must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to secure a conviction. Your attorney’s job is to prevent that from happening.
Why Choose the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC?
When you need criminal defense representation for a sex crime case, it is vital to seek legal counsel from an experienced attorney with a solid track record of handling such cases. At the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, the attorneys have years of experience helping clients through the most complex criminal cases, including cases involving sex crimes.
If you are arrested for any sex-related criminal offense in Queens, we can help. Contact the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, today to schedule a case evaluation with an experienced Queens sex crimes defense attorney and find out how our firm can assist you in your case.
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The Sex Crime Law firm of Robert Tsigler, PLLC is Ready to Fight for You!
If you have any questions about a pending charge, reach our staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 718-878-3871. Schedule your consultation today.
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